Sunday, November 2, 2008

Basket Building Techniques

Combine lip balm, soaps and scrubs into one fantastically rejuvenating gift basket.


basket or other container
shredded paperbath and beauty products
24" or 30" clear cellophane

optional: a printed card that includes a personal message and the product ingredients, or additional bath items such as towels, a rubber duck, etc.

1. Place shredded paper in the bottom of the basket/container. Arrange the bath and beauty products on top of the paper. If desired, add a card.

2. Cut a piece of cellophane 24" longer than the total length of the sides and bottom of the basket. Place the basket in the center of the length of cellophane and gather the ends together.

3. Tie the cellophane ends together with a small piece of ribbon; tape the sides of the cellophane down, if necessary.


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