Friday, October 31, 2008

Hot Process Soap Making Class (w/Deanna Salter) at The Nova Studio

After waiting almost a year, I finally had the opportunity to take the Hot Process Soap Making Class at The Nova Studio (

At first I was a little nervous about the course because Lori was not teaching the class herself. But after talking to Lori about Deanna's credentials, I felt more at ease. Deanna makes soap by the hot process method, although she primarily uses the oven, but she seemed very comfortable with the crockpot version. In addition, she was using Lori's handout with a few of her own modifications.

I really enjoyed the class and really learned alot. What is really great about the hot process method is that it is alot like cold process but the saponification process is accelerated by cooking the soap. Which means that you do not have to cure the soap as long as you would in cold process. Plus you use less of your fragrance in this method, which means you save money. What is great is that I don't have to worry about my fragrance oils seizing and I can use my silicone loaf molds until I can afford a wooden mold from Mission Peak Soap.

I am looking forward in making soap by the hot process method. When I attempt my first batch, I will let you know how it goes.

If you are interested in taking this class, check out The Nova Studio's website ( when the next class is offered. If you would like to check out a full description of this class, then here you go But, I must let you know that their is a requirement of experience making soap by the cold process method or taking the studio's cold process class (which Deanna now is also teaching). For the full description of the Cold process soap making class, here is the link for you to check out -

Overall, I would recommend this class. And for all of you melt and pour soapmakers, this is a great soapmaking process to use your fragrance oils. And if you are afraid of working with lye, after taking the cold process class and this class, I will admit I have no more fears.

Have Fun!

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