When using essential oils, you must dilute a small amount in a base of some kind. Water can be used with essential oils (E.O.'s) for baths, carpet freshner, cleaning, hair rinse, or room deoderizer, but it must be shaken before each use. There is a fragrance oil modifier sold which allows the oil/water blend to mix together as well.
Another way to use essential oils for skin applications is to add E.O.'s to another oil which is called a "carrier oil". Carrier oils are: Almond oil, Apricot oil, Grapeseed oil, Jojoba oil, or Olive oil, Sunflower oil, Palm oil, Safflower oil, Coconut oil, and Castor or Mineral oil.
See Essential Oils: "Uses and Benefits" below, and a Recipe for Linen Spray.
Essential oils are used for therapeutic application or inhalation.Aromatherapy is the use of pure essential oils to enhance physical and mental well-being. E.O.'s are aromatic, highly concentrated distilled essences of plants, roots, flowers, leaves, berries, seeds, gums, bark, resins, or stems. They contain natural hormones, vitamins, antibiotics, and antiseptics. Essential oils are also called volatile oils because they evaporate easily in air, they are soluble in vegetable oil, partially soluble in alcohol, and not soluble in water.When using these oils, remember they are highly concentrated and caution must be taken.
Follow these guidelines when using essential oils.
*Do not use oils full strength...Always dilute them.
*Do not use near the eyes.
*Do not touch your face or mucus membranes if your hands have been in direct contact with an essential oil.
*Keep oils away from children and out of their reach.
*Be careful using essential oils for children. If you do, then reduce the concentration of the essential oil by half or more.
*If pregnant, be cautious. Some oils are not suited for women who are pregnant and can be dangerous. Make sure to research before use.
*Avoid sun exposure when using citrus oils such as bergamot, grapefruit or orange oil because it increases your skin's sensitivity to the sun.
*When you use essential oils or fragrance oils to perk up potpourri or for a room freshener, make sure it has no contact with your furniture. It will cause damage. Oils should not be placed in metal, tin or plastic containers.
*Always use glass.See below for some of the ways in which herbal remedies can be used.
Essential Oils: Uses and Benefits
Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) ItalyRefreshing. Good as a room freshener. Skin: Helps with eczema, psoriasis, acne and wounds. Physical: Valuable antiseptic for urinary tract. Aids in digestion. Mental: Uplifting antidepressant. Helpful for anxiety.
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) China E. globulus is best known for its respiratory effects and relief for congestion. It is highly antimicrobial and a must have for the winter months.Use it in a diffuser to keep colds away. Stimulates circulation and warms the body, increases concentration, and is useful for relieving rheumatic aches and pains. Dabbed on with a q-tip, it can help stop the irritation of a big bite. A good insect repellent and treatment for lice and athletes foot.It has a dominating scent but blends well with pine, lemon, lime, cedarwood, bergamot & tea tree. Use at half strength as a diffuser for children's rooms.
Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) China Regulates hormonal system, good for PMS, heavy menstrual cycles and menopause. Diuretic: Assists with diabetes and urinary infections. Astringent: Stems bleeding. Use in massage, perfume and bath. Emotions: Tonic to nervous system, lifts spirits, reduces stress.Skin: Maximizes benefits of skin cleanser, lotion or moisturizer. Brings color to skin with circulation. Good for eczema, burns, shingles.
Grapefruit (USA) Lymphatic stimulant. Alleviates water retention, obesity and cellulite. Stimulates bile to digest fats. Aids in drug withdrawal. Emotions: Uplifting and reviving. Euphoric: Relieves Pre Menstrual Syndrome and jet lag. Skin: Good for oily, congested skin.
Jasmine (Jasminium grandiflorum)Jasmine Absolute: Aphrodisiac. Skin: Use for scars, stretch marks. Physical: Uterine tonic for menstrual pain. Use during labor, birth and postnatal depression. Good for male disorder, enlarged prostate. Superb hormone balance. Helps with impotence and frigidity. Mental: Valuable for severe depression. Builds confidence. Spirtualizes depression. Develops artistic senses.
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) Bulgaria A great stress reliever! Sedative action to heart, lowers high blood pressure. Helps insomnia. Pain relief for headaches. Nice in steam and bath. Massage on stomach during painful menstrual cycles. Helps in childbirth. Emotions: Balances the central nervous system, soothes the spirit, relieves anger, tension, hyperactivity. Great for stress. Balances emotions. Skin: Promotes new cell growth. Good for acne, burns, eczema. Good hair tonic. Chemical and Nutrient Content: (flowers) Essential oil, geraniol, linalol 1-linalyl acetate. Actions and Uses: Relieves stress and depression, and is beneficial for the skin. Good for burns, headaches, psoriasis, and skin problems.
Lemon (Citrus limonum) USA Benefits both the immune and lymphatic system. Cools fever and relieves sore throats, colds. Good for kidneys and liver. Emotions: Produces clarity of thought. Refreshing: Use in massage, bath, and diffuser.
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) India. Aids in recovery from illness. Encourages appetite. Massage on aching muscles-reduces lactic acid and stimulates circulation. Good for jet lag. Great foot deodorant in footbath. Emotions: Stimulating, energizing for states of exhaustion. Lifts spirits. Skin: Tones skin. Promotes skins elasticity after dieting. Balances oily/acne condition. Chemical and Nutrient Content: Essential oils, citronellal, methylneptenone, terpene, terpene alcohol. Actions and Uses: Has astringent and tonic properties. Good for the skin and nails. Comments: Used in perfumes and other products as a fragrance.
Orange (Citrus Sinensis) Spain. Orange is an uplifting, refreshing oil that is used to aid in digestion, flatulence & nausea. It relieves stress and anxiety. Sweet orange oil will help with colic in babies and reduce fever and headaches.Orange blends nicely with many other oils and can be used in home fragrance products. Photosensitizer -use with caution. Offers calming action on stomach. Good for diarrhea and constipation. Lowers cholesterol. Encourages appetite. Aids in absorption of Vitamin C. Use in massage oil, bath or air spray. Emotions: Spreads sunshine on gloomy thoughts and depression. Brings feelings of joy. Skin: Offers sweating action for congested skin.
Peppermint, USA. Cooling when hot, warming when cold. Use in steams for colds, asthma, fevers. Important digestive for food poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, travel sickness. Analgesic for headaches. Emotions: It's cooling nature relieves anger, hysteria and tension. Helps concentration. Use in diffuser. Skin: Capillary constriction relieves itching, inflammation and sunburn. Peppermint: Chemical and Nutrient Content: Essential Oils, menthol, menthone, methyl acetate, tannic acid, terpenes, Vitamin C. Action and Uses: Enhances digestion by increasing stomach acidity. Slightly anesthetizes mucous membranes and the gastrointestinal tract. Useful for chills, colic, diarrhea, headache, heart trouble, indigestion, nausea, poor appetite, rheumatism, and spasms. Comments: Caution: May interfere with iron absorption.
Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis) Spain. The Herb of "Remembrance, Friendship and Love". Analgesic: Clears headaches. Pain relieving for gout, arthritis and overworked muscles. Valuable heart tonic. Normalizes low blood pressure. Good effect on anemia, decongestive system. Emotions: Enlivens the brain, clears head, aids memory. Good for weakness, exhaustion, lethargy. Use in diffuser. Skin: Scalp stimulant to relieve dandruff, encourages hair growth.
Rosemary: (leaves)Chemical and Nutrient Content: Bitters, borneol, camphene, camphor, carnosic acid, carnosol, cineole, essential oils, pinene, resin, tannins.Actions and Uses: Fights bacteria, relaxes the stomach, stimulates circulation and digestion, and acts as an astringent and decongestant. Improves circulation to the brain. Also helps prevent liver toxicity, and has anticancer and anti-tumor properties. Good for headaches, high and low blood pressure, circulatory problems, and menstrual cramps.Comments: Makes a good food preservative.More Action and Uses: Enhances digestion by increasing stomach acidity. Slightly anesthetizes mucous membranes and the gastrointestinal tract. Useful for chills, colic, diarrhea, headache, heart trouble, indigestion, nausea, poor appetite, rheumatism, and spasms.Comments: Caution: May interfere with iron absorption.
If you have fresh rosemary, here are more uses:
Use in bath to stimulate blood circulation and as a facial steam. Make a rinse for dark hair.
Decorating with Rosemary adds a fragrant base when woven into wreaths and garlands.
Use the leaves in potpourri. Place sprigs in linen closets and drawers as it is an insect repellent.
Burn branches in the fireplace for a pleasant aroma. Scatter on barbecue to discourage insects.
Tea Tree Oil (Australia) Melaleuca alternifolia Tea tree has gained immense recognition as the strongest anti fungal, anti viral, and anti bacterial oil in aromatherapy.It's uses are recognized world-wide for the successful treatment of a whole range of conditions. It can be diffused or used neat and is a very popular addition to skin care formulations for it's germ-killing properties. Diffuse it during cold season to keep germs from spreading.Use it in masks and toners to combat acne.Use it in lip balms to fight cold sores. Used in a balm, tea tree can quickly heal wounds and keep infection from setting in.Use it in mouth washes to treat oral disease.Tea tree blends well with lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, niaouli, spikenard, sandalwood, and vetiver. Using this oil neat can cause some people skin irritation. Tea tree oil should not be taken internally (swallowed), however, it makes a excellent gargle/mouth rinse for sore throats, mouth ulcers, gum infections, and bad breath. Use about 5 drops in a glass of warm water. You can dilute tea tree oil with distilled water, vegetable oil, primrose oil, or vitamin E oil when using on the skin if full strength irritates your skin.There is so much to write about tea tree oil and it's benefits and uses, that I have decided to devote an entire page to discuss it further. Use the link below.Learn more about the amazing uses of tea tree
Thyme Parts Used: Berries, flowers, leaves. Chemical and Nutrient Content: B-complex vitamins, borneol, cavacrol, chromium, Essential Oils, fluorine, gum, iron, silicon, tannins, thiamine, thyme oil, thymol, triterpenic acids, Vitamins C and D.Actions and Uses: Eliminates gas and reduces fever, headache, and mucus. Has strong antiseptic properties. Lowers cholesterol levels. Good for croup and other respiratory problems, and for fever, and liver disease. Eliminates scalp itching and flaking caused by candidiasis.
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) "Garden Thyme"Thyme baths are said to be helpful for neurasthenia, rheumatic problems, paralysis, bruises, swellings, and sprains. (Herb)Thyme (Thymus serpyllum)"Mother of thyme, creeping thyme, mountain thyme or wild thyme."As a bath additive, made from the herb decoction, stimulates the flow of blood toward the surface of the body and alleviates nervous exhaustion.
Ylang Ylang (Canaga odorata) Indonesia. Soothing properties. Balances hormones. Acts as tonic to womb. Helps with sexual disorders. Good for high blood pressure and insomnia. Emotions: Antidepressant, brings joy. Eases feelings of anger, anxiety, shock, panic, and fear.Skin: Balances sebum flow. Stimulates scalp for hair growth. Sweet smell, is used in perfumes.Ylang Ylang has an intense sweet floral scent reminiscent of the very expensive Jasmine. Extraction is from the flower (steam distilled) and the Aromatherapy benefit is Euphoria.
20 OZ. Distilled Water
1 1/2 OZ. 100 Proof Vodka or Grain Alchohol
1/4 OZ. Essential Oil or Fragrance Oil
Mix oil with Vodka. Slowly add in water stirring constantly. Fill a spray bottle with mixture. Use on pillows and linen closets. Lavender makes a "relaxing" pillow spray!To convert ounces to teaspoons, go to measurement conversions. For Measurement Conversions, click here!
Herbal preparations are available in several different forms. This includes bulk herbs, medicinal herb blends, teas, oils, tinctures, fluid extracts, and tablets or capsules. Here are some of the ways these can be used.
Source: Bella Handmade Soap http://www.bellahandmadesoap.com/essentialoils.html
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