Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bath Bomb Cupcakes - Instructions

Bath Bomb Recipe
1 part Citric Acid
2 parts Baking Soda

SLS (for lots of Bubbles in the Bath) or Bentonite Clay (makes a harder bomb)

Example Recipe:
4 oz. Citric Acid
8 oz. Baking Soda
1 oz SLS
.25 oz. Salty Carmel Ice Cream fragrance
5 drops La Bomb colorantWitch Hazel in a Spray bottle

Mix Citric Acid and Baking Soda so there are no clumps. Add the SLS or Bentonite Clay. Mix in the fragrance and color. If consistency is not a dry pie dough consistency, spritz on witch hazel until dry powdered product easily sticks together.

For the frosting:
3 Tablespoons Meringue Powder/Powdered Egg Whites
1 lb. (By weight) Powdered Sugar
5 Tablespoons warm water
1/4 tsp Cream of Tartar

few drops Butter Cream Lip Flavor
few drops La Bomb Color

Mix Meringue into warm water first. Add cream of tartar and Powdered sugar. Whip on medium speed for 4 to 7 minutes. Frosting will form stiff peaks and harden within an hour (or so!). To make it smell better, use a dab of Butter cream flavor oil. We used Rosy Pink Lab colors to color our "frosting."

For pictures of this cute bath bomb, go to http://soap-queen.blogspot.com/search?q=cupcake+bath+bomb.

Source: http://soap-queen.blogspot.com/search?q=cupcake+bath+bomb

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