Saturday, July 12, 2008

Watermelon Shampoo Bar

by Niki aka Momma A.


12 oz coconut oil
19 oz olive oil
12 oz castor oil
16 oz water
6 oz lye
1 oz watermelon fragrance oil


Pour when both mixtures have reached 100°F. When you see a trace, add 1 oz. fragrance oil. Pour into mold. This will take longer than normal to set up. Leave in the mold for 2 or 3 days. Cut when firm. Cure for about 6 weeks.

Please note: This is a cold process soap recipe.

If you are looking for other recipes, check out some of the links in the side bar or check in my archive. There are alot of recipes in both places. I am always looking for new recipes to post on my blog, so please return in the future.


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