Tuesday, September 2, 2008


1/4 c. baking soda
2 tlbs. citric acid or absorbic acid (powdered vit. C)
1 tlbs. Borax powder (for softening)
2 tlbs. powdered sugar (for binding)
2 tlbs. sweet almond oil
1 tsp. Vitamin E oil
1/4 tsp. fragrance or essential oil

Combine dry ingredients in a bowl and stir until well blended. Drizzle in almond oil and stir until mixture is moistened. Add Vit. E oil and fragrance and stir until well mixed. Take teaspoon size globs of mixture and form into ball shapes with fingers. (mixture will be VERY crumbly and fragile , so do the best you can. Add a little bit more of the vit. E. oil I find that helps.) Place the balls on a sheet of wax paper and leave alone for 2-3 hours. After 2-3 hrs, reshape balls. Let the balls air-dry and harden for 10 days. Store balls in a closed container to protect from moisture. To use, plop a ball into your bathtub in warm water!

Source: http://possumsal.homestead.com/Bath/FIZZING.html

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