Thursday, July 3, 2008

Essential Oil Room Air Freshener Spray Recipes

1 cup distilled water
8-10 drops essential oil essential oil of your choice

Deodorizing Room Spray
6 drops bergamot essential oil
1 drop eucalyptus essential oil
2 drops lemon essential oil

Pet Deodorizing Room Spray
6 drops cedarwood essential oil
3 drops tea tree oil

Apple Pie Spice Room Air Freshner
6 drops cinnamon essential oil
3 drops clove essential oil

Orange Spice Room Air Freshner
5 drops orange essential oil
2 drops cinnamon essential oil

Mood Lifter Air Freshner Spray
4 drops chamomile essential oil
3 drops orange essential oil
2 drops ylang ylang essential oil

Stress Reliever Air Freshner Spray
4 drops lavender essential oil
3 drops rose essential oil
2 drops clary sage essential (optional)

Sleepy-Hour Relaxation Air Freshner Spray
4 drops lavender essential oil
3 drops chamomile essential oil


-Basic: Pour the cup of distilled water into the spray bottle.

-Add the drops of essential oils and shake very well.

-Cap the bottle, and allow to sit for a few hours before using.

-Shake the bottle before each use to evenly distribute the scented oil throughout the water.

-Use the label to describe what sort of air freshener each bottle is.

-And be sure to use the fine mist setting on your bottle, so the spray will be distributed nicely in the air.

Here are some interesting ideas for wonderful air freshener sprays, but you can go ahead and create your own favorite blends using scents that you love the most!

-To use the following recipe, just add the recommended amounts of essential oil to the spray bottle with the distilled water, and follow the instructions as above.

-Please note that essential oils can vary in potency- for this reason, you can add or reduce the amounts of essential oil recommended in each recipe, if you find that the essential oil you've bought is either stronger or weaker than expected.

-Deodorizing Room Spray: Add to the distilled water in the spray bottle, shake well and spray as a fine mist.

-Pet Deodorizing Room Spray: Add to the distilled water in the spray bottle, shake well and spray as a fine mist. (If you have pets like I do, this spray is great for around the litter box, or just for freshening up the entire house!)

-Apple Pie Spice Room Air Freshner: Add to distilled water in the spray bottle, shake well and spray as a fine mist.

-I love this one sprayed in the kitchen! Orange Spice Room Air Freshner: Add to distilled water in the spray bottle, shake well and spray as a fine mist. Lovely spicy orange scent!

-Now, here are three blends made to change your mood for the better! It's been proven that with the effects of aromatherapy, just the way things smell can altar your mood.

Mood Lifter Air Freshner Spray: Follow directions as with other recipes above. This recipe will make you feel more light hearted, and less depressed.

Stress Reliever Air Freshner Spray: Follow directions as with other recipes above. This air freshener will help relieve stress, and it smells really wonderful!

Sleepy-Hour Relaxation Air Freshner Spray: Both of these essential oils have wonderful, sedative effects. Spray a little in your bedroom a half hour before going to bed, to enjoy the soothing effects of these natural sedatives. Or spray a little on your pillow or bedclothes to enjoy a whole night of wonderful, restorative sleep.


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