Thursday, July 10, 2008

Drying Lotion for Problem Skin

by Harvest McCampbell

This lotion is helpful to use on clients whose skin is prone to break-outs.

1/8 cup each comfrey leaf and comfrey root
2/3 cup glycerine
1/3 cup water
1 cup alcohol (rubbing, vodka or Everclear)
1 teaspoon liquid lecithin
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup aloe vera juice or gel

large funnel
3 10-ounce jars with air-tight lids
1 5-ounce jar with air-tight lid
measuring spoons
measuring cup

Step 1 - Make the Glycerite
Place 1/8 cup comfrey leaf and 1/8 cup comfrey root in a small saucepan. Cover with 2/3 cup glycerin and 1/3 cup water. Barely simmer on low for two to four hours, stirring occasionally. The longer time is preferred, as this extracts more of the herbs’ healing properties and will make a stronger glycerite. Strain into a clean 10-ounce glass jar with an air-tight lid. Putting the lid on the container while hot will cause the lid to seal, and will prevent mold spores from landing on the glycerite. Save the herbs. Label the container “Glycerite.”

Step 2 - Make the Comfrey Tincture
Place the strained herbs in another 10-ounce clean glass jar with an air-tight lid. Add one cup rubbing alcohol, vodka or Everclear. Label the container “Comfrey Tincture After Glycerite.” Place it in a warm, dry place for at least one week. Shake from time to time.

Step 3 - Make the Oil/Lecithin Blend
In a 5-ounce glass container with air-tight lid, mix one teaspoon liquid lecithin with 4 ounces olive oil. Stir until well blended. Label the container “Olive Oil/Lecithin Blend.”

Step 4 - Mix the Lotion
Now you’re ready to shake it up! Into the remaining 10-ounce glass jar with an air-tight lid, measure 1/4 cup comfrey glycerite, 1/4 cup comfrey tincture, 1/2 cup aloe vera juice or gel, and two teaspoons of your olive oil/lecithin blend. Shake vigorously for two minutes, three or more times a day until completely emulsified. This may take a few days. If ingredients separate, just shake them back together.

If you are looking for other recipes, check out some of the links in the side bar or check in my archive. There are alot of recipes in both places. I am always looking for new recipes to post on my blog, so please return in the future.


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