Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Felt Scenters

Let the kids help you make these fun and easy air fresheners. Use them for scenting cars (hang from your rearview mirror) or hang one anywhere you need a great scent!


Stiffened felt* (we used Easy Felt brand) - various colors
Green felt for leaves
Craft Glue
Puffy Fabric Paints
Essential Oils


Cut out shape from stiffened felt in desired pattern. Attach leaves or other felt decorations (if using) with craft glue. Use Puffy Fabric Paints to write messages or draw designs onto your Freshener. Scent by applying a few drops of Essential Oil such as Lemon, Orange, Lavender, Pine Needle or Peppermint. Use a hole punch to make a hole and attach a piece of yarn or string to make a hanger. Reapply oil as needed.

*Note: If stiffened felt is not available, regular felt attached to cardboard can be used instead. Directions: Cut desired shape out of cardboard, then use this as a template to cut two more of the same shape out of the felt. Glue one of the felt shapes to the front of the cardboard, and one to the back. Follow above instructions to complete project.


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