Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Lotion Bar Recipe from Creative Juice

I found this recipe for lotion bars on a show called Creative Juice which aired on the DIY Network. This episode titled Nature's Gifts (episode # DCRJ-709)is a simple recipe for a single lotion bar. I really liked the packaging of this particular bar and it looks like they used a soap mold from the Life of the Party brand carried at Michaels or Joann's. Have fun!

Gardener Lotion Bar

Smooth out skin's rough edges with a homemade lotion bar complete with personalized packaging.


3 tbsp. beeswax pellets
2 tbsp. regular cocoa butter
3 tbsp. shea butter
2 tbsp. sweet almond oil
2 tbsp. calendula oil
¼ tsp. vitamin E acetate
soap bar mold
glass measuring cup
small saucepan
popsicle stick for stirring
optional – essential oils

1. Mix ingredients together in a very clean glass measuring cup. To create a double-boiler, place the cup in a large pot filled with enough water to come half-way up the height of the cup.

2. Heat the mixture on medium heat, stirring until all ingredients (except essential oils) are blended together.

3. Remove from heat and add, if desired, several drops of essential oil for fragrance.

4. Pour into a mold and let cool for approximately 30 minutes before popping the bar out of the mold (figure D).

5. To package as a gift, wrap in a cello bag and tie or staple a handmade gift tag, silk flower or decorative ribbon to the package.


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