Friday, April 11, 2008

How to Line your Mold for Cold Process Soap Making

If you are having problems lining your wooden molds for your cold process soaps, you may find this clip from You Tube helpful.

I am always looking for new clips to post on my blog so check back frequently to see what is new or check out for more clips on cold process soapmaking.


  1. Hello,

    I love coming to your blog and I love the helpful info you give. I just have a few tips to make your blog more user friendly. I would first change your template. I know many people who have this template and I used to have it myself. I find it too dark and hard to read. Something lighter is much more inviting. Secondly, its really hard to view past posts since you have so many. If you somehow organize them by using tags or deleting posts you no longer need. Don't get me wrong I love this site and am not saying this a rude way. Just giving you tips, thats all!

    ~Crafty Girl

  2. Thanks for the tips! I will take them into consideration.

  3. I am going to give this template a try for awhile. Let me know what you think.
