I happened to catch an episode of the Katie Brown Workshop on Sunday April 14 on KCSM-TV (Comcast Channel 17 or Channel 60 on regular broadcast line-up). She had a segment on Fizzy Bath Balls that I would like to share with you.
Fizzy Bath Balls Materials
1 cups baking soda
1 cups baking soda
½ cup citric acid powder
½ cup Epsom salts
¾ tablespoon liquid glycerin
¾ teaspoons lavender essential oil
Food coloring
Dried lavender
Ivy leaves
Non-stick spray
measuring spoons
large bowl & small bowls
wax paper
cookie sheet
Getting Started
1. In large bowl sift together dry ingredients.
1. In large bowl sift together dry ingredients.
2. In small bowl mix together the essential oil, 6 drops of food coloring, and glycerin.
3. Pour the oil mixture (1/2 teaspoon at a time) into the dry ingredients (1/2 cup at a time) and mix quickly before it starts to fizz.
4. Spray non-stick spray into moulds to prevent sticking. Fill the moulds with the mixture, packing it in firmly to create a smooth ball shape. Let the mixture harden in the molds for 24 hours, then remove.
5. Wrap the leaf around the ball and secure with twine.
Hints & Clues
Tip: These are recommended measurements, but humidity and temperature can affect the results, so it is best to gauge the ingredients as you go. The mixture should be course and not fizz. If it fizzes, add less liquid glycerin and pour the wet mix into the dry mix at a slower rate.
Where'd you get that?...You can find citric acid powder at http://www.bulkfoods.com/ and clear plastic ornaments to use as molds can be found at Michael's Arts & Crafts.
Blogger note: Instead of using food coloring, go ahead and use soap dyes from Michaels or any other soap making vendor for this project. You can also find citric acid from many online vendors. I will buy mine from www.wholesalesuppliesplus.com or locally from Juniper Tree (www.junipertreesupplies.com) in Berkeley, CA.
A little frustrated because her recipe for these in her book "Katie Brown's Weekend" leaves out almost half of the ingredients.Now I have wasted money and have to try and salvage what I have.Thanks for correcting it on here.
ReplyDeleteJeanne, your welcome. I know how flustrating that can be. I saw a recipe in Rosie O'Donnell's crafting book for Bath Fizzies that looked like they were supposed to make bubbles like bubble bath. The recipe did not include any type of soap ingredient to produce the bubbles. I tried to contact her but never heard back.