Saturday, March 22, 2008

Packaging Cupcake/Muffin Bath Fizzies

If you have taken my Handmade Bath Products class and you were looking for alternative ways to package your cupcake/muffin bath fizzies, you may want to consider checking out the following options.

First of all, I checked out Martha Stewart's craft website. She does have food packaging options that you can purchase. Most of them would only fit an individual fizzy. To check this option out, click on this link

I was thinking of those pink pastry boxes from the bakery when you purchase a pie or a cake. Here are some that I found:


This company (Hubert) also other packaging, you may want to take a look at:


(3) The following was suggested to me by Joann (aka Tacobella) who is a member of Wholesales Supplies Plus Craft Forum (, recommended BRP Box Shop by Big River Packaging out of Ohio,

Most of the above recommendations I have found required a large order. I am currently looking for online suppliers that could sell these types of boxes in smaller quantities. If anyone else has any suggestions, please let me know.

I went to Smart and Final in Redwood City and I did not find any cake boxes or pink pastry boxes to use. But what I did find is those clear hindged boxes that you might find at salad bars or sliced pies/cakes come in. That could be an alternative if you put some colorful materials in to stablize it. The disadvantage is that you have to purchase a rather large quantity of these.

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