Monday, March 10, 2008

Altered Books....

I know that this does not have anything to do with making your own bath and body products, but I wanted to pass along this information to all of my readers.

I have taken alot of classes through The Nova Studio. And one of her teachers, Diane Bouchard who teaches classes on altered books (and more) has a website ( that I found by chance while surfing the internet. While I read it she mentions that in Nov. 2006, a crew from the HGTV show, That's Clever, came to tape a segment. According to her website, the segment should be airing sometime in April 2008 and will let everyone know when it air. If you were ever interested in altered books, but were afraid to take one of her classes, then this would be the opportunity to see her in action. Once I find out this info, I will pass it along.

In January of this year, Diane start her blog ( to keep in touch with her students. Check her blog out for more information.

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