Friday, February 22, 2008

The Nova Studio Segment Airs on TV 20

I was reading on Lori Nova's website that The Nova Studio is going to be on TV! According to her website that a few weeks ago, she was paid a visit by Lesley Nagy, TV Host and Producer of The TV Show "Your Green Life." Anyway, a three minute segment will air on TV20 (Comcast cable 13) this Sunday, 2/24/08, at 6pm. In the segment, Lori is showing Lesley how to make eco-friendly poured soy & rolled beeswax candles.

I have taken alot of classes from Lori, but not this one. If you are interested in making your own candles and what to get a preview of her class, then I would recommend checking it out.

For more information on The Nova Studio, check out the studio's website at

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