Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sodium Hydroxide aka Lye for CP or HP Soapmaking

If you are just starting out making your soap by either the cold process method or hot process method and you do not know where to purchase lye in small quanities then may I suggest the following online site:

Most other sources sell in it in 50 pound bags and for the someone who is just starting out making their soap by CP or HP that is alot. That amount can be difficult to store. So I recommend checking Certified Lye.


  1. Thats great! A place that sells small amounts. That is hard to come by, thanks for sharing :)

  2. Your welcome. I want to share the little known secrets for the crafter does not have the space to store products.

    And that you for stopping by and I hope you will come back soon.

  3. Lori, thank you for recommending our company. We value our customers very highly and we delight in catering to the soap making community. If you ever have any questions about lye, please let me know.

    Kerri Mixon
