Monday, January 28, 2008

Cold Process Soap Making (Layering and Swirling) Class

On January 19, 2008, I took Lori Nova's Cold Process Soapmaking 201 (Layering and Swirling) Class. Normally this class is offered with her two day boot camp, but now she is offering this intermediate class separately. This is great news for potential students the opportunity of learning this technique if the cannot or unable to commit to the two day boot camp.

In this demo style class, you will learn how the layering and swirling techniques that Lori is famous for. Her soaps have won the past two years at the Soapmaker's Guild Conference two years in a row! With this class, you will receive a detailed handout on the process, handout regarding using a lye calculator and a bar of soap.

If you are a cold process soapmaker, I highly recommend taking this class. If you have never made a bar of soap by the Cold Process (CP) method and would like to take this class, you are required to take her Cold Process 101 class which goes over the basics you need for this class.

I was not sure if I was going to like the CP method and I could not commit the two day camp. So, I took the intro class separately. Then I saw this class. To be honest, I am not sure how frequently Lori is going to offer this class separately, but if she does not then I recommend the two day camp.

For more information check out Lori's site at

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