Saturday, November 17, 2007

Listing Ingredient Tips From Wholesale Supplies Plus

Listing ingredients on a cosmetic label is not hard but it can be confusing. All of the information presented here can be found at the FDA's Cosmetic Website.

Ingredients on a cosmetic label must be listed in order of predominance using correct INCI terminology. A few key tips for labeling a cosmetic:

Color additives of any concentration are listed after the listing of ingredients that are not color additives (ie: can go at the end of the label). Ingredients present not exceeding 1% can be listed in any order after the listing of ingredients over 1%

Fragrance is listed on the label with the word "fragrance oil". Fragrance that is added at 1% or more needs to be listed in the correct order on the label. If you are using a premade base, you may need to contact the manufacturer for where to properly list fragrance on the ingredient listing. It should not be added last on the label.

Essential oils can be stated as "fragrance" or by the appropriate botanical name. They should not be listed as the general words "essential oils".

If you are interested in further reading outside of the FDA website. I highly recommend the book:

Soap & Cosmetic Labeling How to Follow the Rules and Regs Explained in Plain English.

Author: Marie Gale

Wishing You Much Success!
Debbie May


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