Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Opal'z Zoap (Palo Alto, CA)

I saw a blurb in the September 19, 2007 issue of the Palo Alto Daily New about a new store front opening in Midtown Palo Alto. And I want to tell you about it!

It is called Opal'z Zoap, Scentz and Mineralz. It is a really fun place. They offer classes in mineral make-up, cold process soap making, soap crafting, sugar scrubs, facial scrubs, lotions and more. This facilities has space upstairs for soap birthday parties for all ages. Even if you are looking for something different for a bridal shower or baby shower this would be a place to have it. Downstairs consists of make-up, bath and body products you can purchase. And what is really fun is their soap bar where you can drop in and make your own glycerin soap. To make your own soap at the soap bar is reasonable. To make one bar of soap is $7.50 plus tax or if you want to make more it is $8.00 set up charge and $1 an ounce (up to 1 pound which would come to $16.00) which is great way to make some unique gifts.

I would highly recommend you come by and check the place out. And here is where you would find Opal'z:

719 Colorado Avenue
Palo Alto, Ca
(650) 322-6500
Hours: Wednesday - Saturday 10 am to 4 pm and Sunday 11 am to 5 pm.

For more information check out the store's website at www.opalzoap.com or contact Annie at annie@opalzoap.com.

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