Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Now you can protect your oils and prevent oxidation with nitrogen gas

Ox Blox, from Lotion Crafter takes keeping oils from oxidizing and going rancid or just fizzing a away to a whole new level. What is so great about this new product is that it is a totally harmless gas that protects a great many of the kinds of supplies we use from the damaging effects of oxygen.

(This description is from the Lotion Crafter website)

Oxidation is the enemy of fine essential oils, fragrance, and fixed oils. Now you can protect your oils and prevent oxidation of these materials by laying down an inert nitrogen gas blanket over their surface, shielding them from interaction with oxygen.

Produced especially for us, Ox-Blox™ is an inert, safe and environmentally friendly mixture of nitrogen, argon and carbon dioxide. It contains no fluorocarbons, is non-flammable and non-toxic. Protect your investment in your oils, use Ox-Blox™ every time you open your bottles!

Depending on the size of your bottles, one can is good for up to 300 uses!

Price: $9.95

Supplier: Lotion Crafter (

Source: Permission to reprint by Winsome Tapper, Soapmaking Editor,

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