Monday, October 22, 2007

Aromatherapy Basics: the uses of 20 essential oils

Aromatherapy is simply the use of essential oils. Look here to find out about recipes and benefits of essential oils.

Aromatherapy is simply using essential oils. Essential oils are found in the minute droplets of various plants. The oils are highly concentrated extracts which contain the properties that are found in the essential oils such as vitamins and antiseptics. Essential oils are often called the being, the core, or the absolute soul of a plant. These oils are often used in cosmetics and perfume. Many naturalists use the essential oils in homeopathic medicines as a natural healer. One reason for this is because antiseptic property is found universally in essential oils. Massage therapists incorporate essential oils into their practice and are able to enhance their client’s experiences during an aromatherapy massage. The world of aromatherapy combines art and science in a unique way and is able to provide your spirit and soul with invisible ecstasy.

To get you started in the world of aromatherapy, here’s a list of uses for 20 different essential oils and a few recipes to try out!

Essential Oils

Number One:
Rose (Rose centifolia, R. damascene, Rosaceae) – Rose is one of the most expensive essential oils according to many aromatherapy experts. Because of this, this oil is often adulterated. This particular oil is very difficult to fine in a pure form. Rose oil has various medicinal properties including being an astringent, a tonic, and an antidepressant. In energy healing rose oil is used when working with the heart chakra.

Number Two:
Lavender (Lavandula officinalis) – Lavender is a favorite aromatic of many people. It is also known to be one of the most precious of all the essential oils. The best variety of this particular essential oil is known as lavender fine. The medicinal claims of this essential oil include, being good for the nervous system, the respiratory system and even the ability to be utilized as an insect repellant. Migraines, depression, and insomnia are just three reasons you might want to include the use of lavender essential oil. It is also often used as an antiseptic for burns and wounds.

Number Three:
Rosemary (Rosamarinus officinalis) – Rosemary essential oil has an invigorating fragrance. Medicinal claims of this oil include stimulating the adrenocortical glands and the ability to act as a diuretic. Other indications for this essential oil include items such as mental fatigue, memory loss, rheumatism, and gouty arthritis.

Number Four:
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) – The essential oil of eucalyptus is known to be a produced in such areas as Australia and Portugal. In fact, the Aborigines considered this oil to be a general cure-all. Eucalyptus oil is used for various respiratory diseases such as asthma, sinusitis, and even the flu. This oil has a medicinal smelling fragrance which is camphor like.

Number Five:
Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) – Tea Tree is an essential oil often used as a general cure-all and first aid kit. This oil tends to have a very strong medicinal fragrance. Some indications for this oil include fungal infections, urinary infections, and cystitis.

Number Six:
Pepper (Piper nigrum Piperaceae) – Yes, pepper is an essential oil. This ancient spice was, in fact, used as currency during the Middle Ages. Some indications for this oil include fever, cold, cough, decreased appetite, and impotence.

Number Seven:
Sandalwood (Santalum album, Santalaceae) – The essential oil of sandalwood has a sweet and spicy smell. This particular oil is has medicinal properties which include that of being an astringent and also being an aphrodisiac. Some health conditions indicating the use of sandalwood include gonorrhea and cystitis.

Number Eight:
Ylang-Ylang (Unona odorantissimum, Anonaceae) – Ylang-Ylang is an essential oil that has a sweet and exotic fragrance. The powerful fragrance of this oil is often sickening to many people. The medicinal properties of this oil include being euphoric and being a sedative. Indications for use of this essential oil include depression, insomnia, and high blood pressure.

Number Nine:
Sage (Salvia officinalis) – Sage is a very versatile plant often used for medicinal purposes. Sage can benefit health difficulties such as anemia, menopause, kidney problems, mouth ulcers and tonsillitis.

Number Ten:
Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) – Patchouli has a sweet a spicy fragrance with a harsh smell that some people do not like. Indications for this essential oil include anxiety, skin problems and water retention.

Number Eleven:
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris A. herba alba) – The fragrance of the essential oil of Mugwort is a slightly musky. Some of the indications for Mugwort oil include amenorrhea, hysteria, convulsion, nervous emesis (vomiting), and epilepsy.

Number Twelve:
Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica) – Cedarwood essential oil has, of course, a woody fragrance. Its fragrance is very pleasant and is similar to that of sandalwood. Medicinal properties of this oil include being a fungicidal. Indications for this oil include urinary tract disorders, hair care such as hair loss, and skin problems such as eczema.

Number Thirteen:
Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens and P. roseum, Geraniaceae) – Geranium essential oil has a rose like fragrance. Medicinal properties of this essential oil include being an astringent and insect repellant and an antiseptic. Geranium essential oil is often used for such health difficulties as tonsillitis, sore throat, kidney stones, nervous tension and depression.

Number Fourteen:
Marjoram (Origanum marjorana Marjorana hortensi) – Marjoram essential oil has a sweet-smelling fragrance. It is often used in the cosmetic and perfume industries. Aromatherapy researchers have found that according to mythology, Marjoram was picked on the Mount Ida by Aphrodite to heal Enea’s wounds. Antispasmodic, analgesic, and digestive are medicinal claims of this essential oil. Other indications for Marjoram include insomnia, migraine headaches, and hypertension.

Number Fifteen:
Peppermint (Mentha piperita) – Peppermint is produced worldwide. It has numerous uses in the food industry and it is also used in cosmetics and perfumes. One of the specific indications for this essential oil is impotence.

Number Sixteen:
Rosewood (Aniba roseaodora, Lauraceae) – Rosewood oil is known as one of the major oils in the perfume industry. Indications for the essential oil of Rosewood include various skin problems such as sensitive skin, wrinkled skin, and skin wounds.

Number Seventeen:
Grapefruit (Citrus paradise) – Grapefruit essential oil is mostly produced in the United States. It has a clean citrus fragrance. Grapefruit is used in perfumery and in the food service industry. This essential oil claims a specific therapeutic indication for obesity.

Number Eighteen:
Neroli (Orange Blossom, Citrus vulgaris) – Neroli biguarade is the name for real neroli. The essential oil of neroli boasts the claim as one of the most expensive oils. Because of this, it is often adulterated. Its fragrance has a sweet floral essence. Medicinal properties of this oil include the following: antidepressant, sedative, aphrodisiac. Energy healers use Neroli essential oil for stimulation of the heart chakra. Indications for this oil include insomnia, nervous tension, emotional shock and grief.

Number Nineteen:
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) – Fennel essential oil has a strong fragrance. It is recorded that this oil was used by people as a protection against evil spirits and witchcraft during the Middle Ages. The medicinal properties of this essential oil are diuretic, antispasmodic, and laxative. Uses for the essential oil of fennel include such health problems as amenorrhea, kidney stones, menopausal difficulties, and obesity.

Number Twenty:
Aniseed (Pimpinella anisum) – Anise is mentioned in one of the best selling books – the Bible. It is one of the main medicinal plants in India, Greece and Rome. Its medicinal properties include general stimulant for the digestive system, respiratory system and cardiac system. It boasts the claim of having the medicinal property of being an aphrodisiac which is stupefying at high doses. Indications for this oil include health difficulties such as impotence and epilepsy.

There are many uses for the variety of essential oils available. For the most part, they are easy to use. If you would like to find out more about essential oils, and how to incorporate them into your lifestyle, look for a variety of books on aromatherapy at your local library. Another way to obtain additional information on aromatherapy and the essential oils used is to consult with an alternative health care provider or a certified massage therapist.

For the following recipes, it is recommended that you use the ratio of 12 drops of essential oil per one ounce of carrier oil. Carrier oils can be almost any type of vegetable oil, including canola oil. You can also use apricot, avocado, or various other oils. Indulge and enjoy the following aromatherapy treats!

Massage Oil for Soothing
2 drops sandalwood
2 drops lavender
2 drops juniper
Mix with carrier oil.

Massage Oil for Stimulating
6 drops lemon
4 drops rosemary
4 drops juniper
Mix with carrier oil.

Fantastic Foot Bath
3 drops pepper
3 drops geranium
3 drops rosemary
3 TBLS Epsom salt
1 TBLS sea salt
Do NOT mix with carrier oil.

Massage Oil for Migraines
10 drops grapefruit
5 drops pepper
5 drops roman chamomile
3 drops rosemary
Mix with carrier oil.

Varicose Vein Massage Oil
6 drops cypress
2 drops sandalwood
2 drops peppermint
Mix with carrier oil.


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