Sunday, March 11, 2007

Simplers Botanicals Company

Whole Foods Market, Mollie Stones Market, Elephant Pharm and most health food store sell the Aura Cacia brand of essential oils. All of these sources also sell an organic brand of essential oils by a company by the name of Simplers Botanical Company.

If you are interested in find out more information call or write:

Simplers Botantical Company
PO Box 2534
Sebastapol, CA 95473

Phone: 1-800-652-7646 or 707-887-2012
Fax: 707-887-7570

website site:


If you happen to see this particular brand at your local retail establishment, they have produce a pamphlet, Aromatherapy Guide to Essential Oils. I would recommend picking up a copy because it has some good information about essential oils.

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