Sunday, April 1, 2007

Classes I Recommend

If you are interested in learning in making other bath and body products, I recommend taking Lori Nova's Making Natural Perfumes, All Natural Baby Products (products can be used on adults too!) and All Natural Spa Facial Products.

These classes are offered at her studio in Point Richmond, if that is too far for you, she does teach these classes through DeAnza College's Community Education (

If you are interested in any of her classes, I recommend signing up early because they do fill up fast. For example, I wanted to take her Making Mineral Make-up class at DeAnza College on 3/31. I was going to sign up on 2/28 and I called before sending my check and the class was full. So, it is best not to wait until the last minute. I know that is hard sometimes because you find out about the class at the last minute.

I will be venturing out to her location to take some of her other classes which she does not teach at DeAnza. And I will report to you on my experience.

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